Earth's hot evil twin? 🥵⁣

 Earth's hot evil twin? :

She’s just a girl and she’s on fire 🔥⁣

Venus is our closest neighboring planet. It is made out of the same materials as Earth, having formed in the same inner part of the solar system. Venus has a similar size and structure to our home planet, but the two planets' paths diverted long ago.⁣
Shrouded in thick clouds comprised of sulfuric acid and an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, Venus is an example of runaway greenhouse gas effect. The planet's surface is the hottest in our solar system, in the range of over 900ºF (475º Celsius), hot enough to melt lead.⁣

Image description: The Mariner 10 spacecraft acquired the images used to create this view of Venus, which appears in wispy white with stripes of red and tan. The planet is almost entirely visible, with its right side giving way to the blackness of space.⁣

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech⁣

#NASA #SolarSystem #Space #Venus #Planet

[ INFORMATION DATA: 27 May 2024 ]

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