Time for a breather 😮‍💨⁣ ⁣

Time for a breather 😮‍💨⁣

Astronauts have built-in breaks in their daily schedule — so should you! Mindfulness and meditation are both tools used by astronauts for long-duration missions in space that can be applied here on Earth.⁣

Earth’s atmospheric glow and starry sky are captured in this high-exposure photograph taken from the International Space Station (@ISS) as it soared 258 miles above the Pacific Ocean northeast of Papua New Guinea.⁣

Image Description: A sky full of stars above Earth’s surface as viewed from the ISS. A glow of red is seen above the golden glow of Earth’s atmosphere. Clouds shroud Earth’s surface, that appears to be entirely ocean. At left, are the station’s Nauka science module and the Prichal docking module, both from Roscosmos.⁣

Credit: NASA⁣

#NASA #Earth #ISS #Astronaut #Photography #EarthGlow #Glow #Mindfulness #Meditation

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01 February 2024

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