Lavender Haze


 Lavender Haze :⁣

⁣Larger than the planet Mercury and the only known moon in our Solar System with a thick atmosphere, Saturn’s moon Titan is one of the most promising places to look for life beyond Earth. Rivers, lakes, and seas of methane and ethane exist on Titan’s frozen surface beneath its hazy nitrogen-based atmosphere.⁣

Life would likely look very different than here on Earth, as Titan’s temperature hovers around a frigid -290 ºF (-179 ºC) with an atmospheric pressure 60 times greater than our home planet. Set to launch no earlier than July 2028 and arrive in the mid-2030s, our Dragonfly mission will explore Titan, flying to many different locations to study whether they could potentially support life.⁣

Image description: Our Cassini spacecraft glimpses at the night side of Titan. The moon is backlit by the sun, which illuminates its violet atmosphere and yellow hazy clouds. Titan arcs from bottom right on the first slide, up and over to the bottom right in the second.⁣

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute⁣

#Titan #Moon #Saturn #NASA #SolarSystem #Midnights

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26 February 2024

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