Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle ✨⁣

   Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle :

⁣An intense gravitational pull holds together thousands of stars in this sparkly collection of a globular cluster known as NGC 2298. ⁣

This cosmic view is provided by @NASAHubble using multiple wavelengths of light such as ultraviolet, near-infrared, and visible light. Globular clusters often lie in the dusty outskirts of galaxies and consist of some of the oldest known stars. Studying star clusters helps astronomers understand how they behave and the evolution of their stars. ⁣

Image description: Thousands of bright stars shine against black space, more tightly condensed near the image’s center. The stars glint in shades of white, blue, and red, and diffraction spikes are visible around the foreground stars.⁣

Credit: NASA, ESA, G. Piotto (Universita degli Studi di Padova), and A. Sarajedini (Florida Atlantic University); Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America)⁣

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21 February 2024

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