Be kind, but don't rewind. This isn't VHS. It's from space.📼⁣

 Be kind, but don't rewind. This isn't VHS. It's from space📼⁣:

⁣The horizon of the fourth planet from the Sun is seen from our Odyssey orbiter, now in its 23rd year around the Red Planet. This uncommon view of Mars, taken using an instrument called the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS), captures Mars' thin atmosphere, hazy clouds, craters, and dust 250 miles (425 km) above the surface—the same POV orbiting astronauts would have.⁣

Scientists spent three months planning this observation, which involved rotating the spacecraft so its antenna pointed away from Earth, cutting communication with Odyssey for several hours.⁣

Launched in 2001, Odyssey is the longest-lasting spacecraft at Mars, where it continues to map Mars' sub-surface rock and ice structures, and monitors the Red Planet's climate.⁣

Image description: Split over four images, Mars' surface appears gray, with many craters and hills. The atmosphere shows a haze of clouds and dust in white and gray. The image is slightly grainy.⁣

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU⁣

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29 November 2023

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