Aurora Borealis!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country!? 💛

  Aurora Borealis!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country!? 💛

This weekend, skywatchers across the Northern Hemisphere reported seeing auroras as far south as the Bahamas. Known as aurora borealis—or northern lights—in the northern hemisphere and aurora australis—or southern lights—in the southern hemisphere, these cosmic phenomena are caused by the Sun.

Our Sun is an active participant in the solar system, influencing planets with its turbulent surfaces that experience storms, eruptions, and sunspots. Coronal Mass Ejections—a type of solar eruption—are giant clouds of magnetized solar particles blasted into space, which, when directed at Earth, can produce geomagnetic disturbances like auroras.

Image description: his image was taken on May 11, 2024 near Malad City, Idaho. A tree (bottom right) and its branches are silhouetted against the dramatic night sky, which is red, purple and green thanks to the aurora. Streaks of light shimmer, making the aurora look like the folds in a curtain (middle left). A road winds toward the mountainous horizon (bottom middle), and the back of a car appears (bottom right)—the @iss streaks in white (middle top) across the sky, which is dotted with white stars.

Credit: NASA/Bill Dunford

#NASA #Aurora #Space #SolarSystem #Sun #SpaceWeather #Simpsons

[ INFORMATION DATA: 14 May 2024 ] 


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