Fishing and farming in Minais Gerais

 Fishing and farming in Minais Gerais :

Astronaut Loral O'Hara captured this photo of the Três Marias Reservoir, a human-made body of water in southeast Brazil, while she was in space aboard the @ISS in December 2023. This reservoir is one of three major ones along Brazil's São Francisco River, feeding the circular fields along its shores.

Much of the unfarmed land, such as unplanted fields and unpaved roads, appears in bright shades of red and yellow. These colors come from the underlying clays and soils in Minas Gerais, which are rich in iron and aluminum and can turn vibrant shades when exposed to weather. The lighter shades of blue on the reservoir's surface are due to sunglint, an optical effect that occurs when sunlight reflects off smooth water at the same angle that a sensor views it.

Image description: A bright blue river winds its way through a colorful landscape, rich with shades of green, red, and orange, as seen from far above. Circular patches mark farms watered with center-pivor irrigation. Patches of white, fluffy clouds are scattered throughout.

Credit: NASA/Loral O'Hara

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 [ INFORMATION DATA: 09 September 2024 

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