The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. ⚡⁣ ⁣


The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long :

⁣Using @NASAHubble astronomers were able to observe the connection between supermassive black holes with tidal disruption and the merging of galaxies.⁣

While most galaxies host a black hole, they are particularly quiet. As seen in the picture above with Centaurus A galaxy, a tidal disruption event occurs when a star gets too close to a black hole causing the gravitational tides to rip away the stars gaseous matter. The gas will swirl into a disc around the black hole while the gas particles shoot out from opposite ends at the speed of light also known as high-speed jets.⁣

Image description: A galaxy known as Centaurus A with a dark orange speckled disc and light blue specs surrounding it is pictured with a bright beam of light crossing through it. A haze of reddish gas is surrounding the beams of light at opposite ends. The entire formation is illuminated by the beams at the center of the image and surrounded by the darkness of space and stars spread sparsely throughout.⁣


#NASAHubble #BlackHole #Space #MilkyWay #NASA #Galaxy

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19 January 2024

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