Soup season 🥣⁣

Soup season:

Twice as massive as all the planets in our solar system combined, Jupiter is classified as a gas giant comprised mostly of hydrogen and helium. Deep in the gas giant’s atmosphere, hydrogen gas compresses into a liquid due to the intense pressure and temperatures. Scientists are still determining whether a central core of solid material lies at the planet’s center or if it’s more like a large, thick, hot soup.⁣

Our Juno spacecraft captured two of Jupiter’s large rotating storms in 2021 on its 38th close pass of the gas giant, as the spacecraft sailed just 3,815 miles (6,140 km) above its ammonium and water clouds.⁣

Image description: Blue, gray, and tan clouds swirl and combine in this closeup of Jupiter. A tan oval storm with white outer edges is in the center of the image, a large white circular storm is in the bottom left, blue clouds swarm around the two large storms.⁣

Credit: Image data: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS⁣

Image processing: Kevin M. Gill CC BY⁣

#Jupiter #Storms #NASA #Juno #Space #SolarSystem

⁣[ NASA Share this information : ]

13 December 2023

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