Here they are. These bits of ancient space rock may hold clues to how the rocky planets formed, including Earth⁣


  Here they are. These bits of ancient space rock may hold clues to how the rocky planets formed, including Earth.⁣

For the next two years, the #OSIRISREx science team will continue studying the samples. NASA will preserve at least 70% of the sample at @NASAJohnson for further research by scientists worldwide, including future generations of scientists. ⁣

Asteroids are leftovers from the period of planet formation, so by studying asteroids, we can learn what existed in our solar system before Earth fully formed. Was there already water? Organic molecules? DNA? RNA? ⁣

Initial studies of this asteroid sample show evidence of high concentrations of carbon and water, which, when found together, are among the building blocks of life as we know it on Earth. 

Image Descriptions:⁣

1. A view of the TAGSAM (Touch and Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism) from above, showing the mylar flap with a pile of asteroid material resting on it. The canister is a gray metal cylinder. Inside, dark, powdery asteroid sample material can be seen. Credit: NASA/Erika Blumenfeld & Joseph Aebersold⁣ 

2. Small particles of asteroid material coat the base of the science canister. The arc of dust and crushed rock extends from the top left around to the bottom left of the frame. Credit: NASA/Erika Blumenfeld & Joseph Aebersold⁣

3. Astromaterials processor Mari Montoya and OSIRIS-REx curation team members set the TAGSAM down in the canister glovebox after removing it from the canister base and flipping it over. Each wears protective gear, including white masks, blue bonnets, and surgical gowns. Credit: NASA/Kimberly Allums ⁣

4. This video shows researchers lifting the metallic sample canister open inside of a glovebox. They wear white gloves, and blue gowns. 

Credit: NASA⁣

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                          12 October 2023

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